Kris came home tonight and asked if I wanted to go to Pei Wei (one of my favorite places) for dinner. I think that after having the kids last night when I went to young womens he is starting to realize why the house still looks like the health department should come and quarantine it. Anyway we were on our way home and Molly was throwing one of those "I'm two" fits and then Stella started to cry. After a little bit Stella had stopped and Molly was still going. Then when started to cry again Molly responded "No Della, Marnie cry!" Translation... "No Stella, Molly's crying!" Oh what a character!
Love it. (intonation like off dragon tales)
Lovin the new blog look. I'm jealous. Dreary Erie does not have a Pei Wei...or Cafe' Rio, or Training Table, and so on and so on. Cute pics.
I LOVE Pei Wei! I didn't know they had them in UT...I didn't discover until Vegas! I am hooked! Plus I love when it is my husbands idea to go out...
so funny!
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