Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Is There Something Wrong With My Connection? Part 2

So I had to post this becuse when I was about 12 there was a boy in my ward Nate who was my age and he gave a talk one day in church and he was talking about prayer. He relayed a story about how he had lost his glasses and couldn't find them anywhere. He talked about how he went in to his room and knelt by his bed and said a very sincere prayer for help with finding his glasses. He said that after the prayer was done he stood up and walked right to his glasses. He said that he looked up and said "Oh never mind I found them!" He went on to talk about how sometimes we forget to give credit where credit is due and we forget to thank our Heavenly Father. I have never forgotten that talk and I would I really do want to express gratitude and give credit wher credit is due. The last 2 nights have been sooooooooo much better. I do have to smile and laugh a bit becuse quite ironically Stella did so much better it was Molly and Kris Sunday and Monday night!
So Stella went from about 12-3:30 which was so much better and then at 5 I heard a thud that woke me up. I thought that Molly had fallen out of bed, but there was no crying and I didn't hear a thing, so I just chalked it up to something outside and closed my eyes to go back to sleep and then I heard Molly's door handel rattle, she had fallen out of bed, she much have landed on the pillows, but she was up. I bolted to our bedroom door knowing Stella was asleep in her bouncer on the floor, so I had to make it to Molly before she was in Stella's room. She was headed to my room so I met her at my bedroom door and helped her back to bed. She was really good and went right to bed, no crying and she was quiet and didn't get out of bed. Finally able to go back to sleep after listinging to make sure Molly was really going back to sleep, I was up one more time when Kris got up to go to the bathroom! Like I said... it's comical, but I got some good sleep and felt so much better. Monday night, Holy Cow! Stella was in bed by 11 and yes asleep, she didn't get up till 5 that's right a good 6 hours! I was really ready for her to get up and eat (the joys of nursing) and then she went back to sleep by 5:30 and slept till 9. I did get woken up by what felt like something falling on the edge of my side of the bed, but I felt and there was nothing there so I turned over to go back to sleep when I felt it again... Oh it was Molly she was not saying a word and I had not heard her, I think she got down out of bed when she got up and then she was touching my side of the bed. I pulled her put into bed with us for a few minutes and then helped her to her bed and again she went right to bed no problem, I'm just sooooooo against starting the sleeping in our bed, I don't sleep.
I do have to say I have taken several steps in trying to figure out this whole sleeping thing. I realized that faith without works is dead. I have changed and watched what i'm eating no dairy... I know no happiness! and then I have given her stuff for her reflux, and we have put a humidifier in her room. I don't really know what it was that did the job, but I know that my prayers were heard and I truly feel blessed we are sleeping better. Lets just hope and pray it stays that way.


The Wyler Family said...

i'm so happy for you! what a relief.

Albertson Family said...

Do I really want another baby? No I am not pregnant but have been thinking about it! I am sooo glad you are doing better.

Kari said...

So glad to hear that things are improving!!! Life is so difficult when you are completely sleep deprived and are having to tend to the needs of 2 little ones and a husband (regardless of how low maintenance they may be)! Loved the story you shared, too ... will keep that one tucked away for when I need it again :)