You may want to pause the music so you can get the full effect in the video!
Molly loves her daddy! She wants to do everything with him. The minute he opens the garage she starts to dance around in circles and yelling daddy! After Kris has said his hellos and held and kissed and played with Molly for a few minutes he heads to the bedroom to change his clothes... This is when the falling apart begins. She will either follow him around or start screaming and crying yelling "where's daddy?" Thursdays are always fun for Molly because that is the day Kris mows the lawn. He has taken her out since she was just little. Molly started off in the baby bjorn and then when she grew out of that Kris would carry her, Now he trys to get her to walk next to him, but yesterday I was looking out the window and this is what I saw... I was loving it. I hope you all get a kick out of this like I did! I love how she is always saying wee!
That is so funny. And I loved the "Wheee!" Why wasn't Kris smiling? I would have been laughing my head off!!!
So dang cute! What a great Dad Kris is!!! xoxo
that's hilarious!
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