Dad and Molly dressed in their orange
Molly with Aunt Kat and Uncle Cameron
Kris and I took Molly and Kimball back to my mom and dads for nap time!
Memorial Day was such a blast. The Baird family always gets together and we go to the cemetery and talk about our family members that have passed on before us. Some we have grown up hearing about and some it takes a little more work to remember how they fit in and how we are related. Aunt Christine puts so much work into this holiday, coming up with the names of those grave sites that we go to and then games and songs and just the whole thing. She also come up with a fun way of showing our family pride. She used the color wheel and gave each family (there are 9 kids in my dads family) a color. The Scott Bairds are orange and we have some serous orange pride:) In a good way. Everyone wears there colors and it's just so fun to hang out with the family. This year was rainy so instead of going to the graves we just talked about them. We talked about my great grandmother and grandfather and then my dads sister who passed away when she was just 15. She would be 60 now and she was an incredible girl. In fact it was very moving for me because this is who my daughter is named after. Vicky was an outstanding young woman and as I have read her history I just am more and more amazed at what an incredible young women she was. I look forward to the day when I get to meet her is person. Thanks Aunt Chris for all the work you put into this holiday to make it really mean something!
Wow, what an incredible tradition. I loved it! I would love to do something like that with my family. It sounds like such a neat way to keep the memories of your loved ones strong.
what a fun tradition! oh, by the way, our house is in seven hills. when are you going to come visit us??? :) we'll be there for at least 4 years. you're welcome anytime.
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