Kris and I have this on going argument about my sleeping in the middle of the bed, or on his side... Kris and I have a king size bed, this is the 3rd king that we have had since we have been married (calm down we haven't worn them out!) The first seemed to be a bit to hard and was really starting to bug Kris's back, so we purchased a new bed, that didn't last long when we had the hill and valley problem, If you don't know what I'm talking about it's the body indentations that you get in a mattress (a.k.a. sink holes). Being as our mattress was under warranty we had a guy come out and check it (a mattress inspector)... Yes there is a profession where you come and measure peoples sink holes in their mattress. Anyway we got a new bed out of it and we are having the same thing happen. Well last night I decided to sleep in the middle of the bed to try make the hill not so big, and get a break for my growing sink hole. When I told Kris this I pointed out that he really can't complain about me sleeping in the middle of the bed being as there is prof that I sleep on my side (my sink hole). I had gotten up at 12:00 with Stella and was back to sleep sleeping soundly when I was suddenly awakened by a flash! I woke up to see Kris holding my new camera and taking a picture of me sleeping! What a turkey. I was tired enough that I just went right back to sleep until Stella got up this morning. Not quite sure if I had actually experienced this
bizarre picture taking in the early morning hours or simply a dream, I saw my camera on my night stand and took a look at the pictures, sure enough there was a blurry horrible picture of me sleeping. Later today I was on the couch waiting to make sure the girls were both going to sleep like they should when I heard Kris pull in the garage for lunch. Kris walked in and I popped up and gave him the stink eye he just looked and me and genuinely asked "What?" I responded with "oh there is my funny man" and that point he just burst into laughter. When I asked "What where you thinking? you just went to the bathroom at like 3 am and decided to take a picture of me?" His response through his laughter was "When I got up you were on my side, and I saw your camera there and thought I would take a picture of where you were to document it!" Oh man! We both got a good laugh out of it. I'm so glad I married someone with an awesome sense of humor! I really was not on his side, I was totally in the middle! Anyway... let's see what kind of pictures we get tonight:)
Editor's response... Lindsay is really a bed hog. But she denies everything. She is always crowding my side (left) of the bed. Rarely can I make it through the night without nature calling due to my small bladder and affinity for Mtn. Dew. It was during one of these times last night I noticed how far left of center (my side) she was on the bed. In order to hold her accountable for her selfish bed dominance I thought I could use her camera that she had out on her night stand. This would surely incriminate her. But by the time I turned on the camera she awoke and retreated to her side. I took the picture anyway. The photo has not been enhanced or altered in any way.
I look totally hammered!
Oh, I am so glad you posted the picture. I was getting worried it wouldn't be at the bottom when I finished reading! Despite the babies and papparazi I am glad you got a good night's rest!
That is hilarious. You two are funny. Thanks for sharing that little night adventure.
Nice picture Linds! I had a good laugh! We have that same "argument" going on at house! Nic's always on my side... but he says I'm on his. I'll have to get out the camera!
This is proof that beds need to be bigger than king size. Women need their space!
That is a hilarious picture and story! I just laughed so hard when I was reading it and then especially when I saw the picture! I wish I had a King size bed...I agree with Britt...we women need more room!!
that is so funny. i am totally dying laughing. i love how kris even admits his small bladder problem, that is funNY!!
Too funny! I have recorded Benn snoring with my cell phone, but it doesn't do him justice. I even tried to play it back to see if he'd wake up... it didn't
You two make me laugh! xxoo
Ha, This is awesome! I think you are a sleeping beauty!
That is FUNNY! Loved reading that. Thank you for sharing. That made my day hahaha!
That is hilarious!!
It's me again. I forgot to tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY when I lleft you that comment. I ment to tell you that so happy birthday Lindsay yesterday. I have always remembered your birthday every year because mine is only 2 days after yours and Jana's is the day after mine. I always think about young womens and getting kidnapped in the morning and going to breakfast. GOOD TIMES.
that's really funny. we have the same argument at our house, but we only have a queen. david is really looking forward to the day when we get a king sized bed!
Lindsay, I love that post. I just sent you an invite to our blog. Your Christmas card was adorable. This will be great to keep in touch through our blogs!
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