Saturday, January 3, 2009

Roll'n, Roll'n, Rolln'

Oh Man! My kids just seem to be growing toooo fast! I really wish that they would stay little longer! Stella has figured out how to roll form her back to her stomach and has been doing it for a little over a week, but these past few days she has truly mastered it. She is so fun. It takes her seconds to roll over, but then she hates to be on her stomach so she will only be on her stomach for a few seconds before she lets the ear-piercing cries loose, so then you help her go back to her back and within 3 seconds (really no lie) sometimes less she is back on her stomach. What a funny little thing she is! We are just loving and enjoying her screaming and all, and believe me there is plenty of the screaming! This little girl will be the high energy of the family the older she gets. That makes me excited and scares me to death all at the same time!

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