Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Eve

So today we missed out on my extended family Easter party due to Stella not feeling well and so I didn't want to take her outside in the rain and cold. Molly is always up for a party and I felt bad that I was missing the family Easter party so we decided to throw our own Rosander family Easter Party! We had some dinner and then dyed our Easter Eggs. Molly though that this was cool and I had found a kit that kept the mess to a minimum... That's my kind of party! Then we had our "Easter Bunny Fondue" We could call it that because we dipped peep bunnies in chocolate. Molly loved this. In fact when I put it on the table she put her hands on her cheeks and said "Oh my goodness!" Man that kid was in heaven. Kris even let Stella take part in this by feeding her bananas and one just happened to be dipped in chocolate. She wasn't so found of the plain banana after she had tasted the chocolate, but I stood my ground... No more chocolate for Stella! After making myself sick we washed the girls down (Maybe next year we will do baths after this instead of before) and we brushed teeth, said prayers and read the Easter Story, and the girls were in bed by 7:00. My kind of night. 
No but really. I just love to watch Molly. She just gets so excited about everything and is so smart and just picks things up. I love to see her when she finally gets something. I don't know that she really gets the whole "Easter Thing" but she does understand the Easter Bunny! She is little and I will keep telling her all about it. I have been trying to prep her for weeks about Easter and it true meaning, but I know as I keep teaching her she will understand. 
I was looking at my back in the mirror yesterday and looking at the scar I have from my chest tube. I know it's funny but it reminded me so much of the Atonement... Ok before you step away from this because you are afraid you might get struck down keep reading. I remember laying in the hospital and being so sick, no one really knowing what was happening or how to fix it or why I wasn't getting better. It was only when I realized that I had to turn complete control over to the Savior, for this was the purpose of the atonement, to heal the sick of heart, spirit and body. My body was in desperate need of healing and no Dr. could do that. It was my faith that I had to put in the Lord and realize that if this was my time to die I would live again. That this was not the end, and that one day I would be whole again. He suffered for me. He knew my pain and suffering and knew how to heal me. The scar on my back is nothing like the scars that the Savior had to show those after he had been resurrected, but I know just as strongly by looking at that scare on my back as if I were to see the Saviors scars with my own eyes, that he lives, that he atoned for us and that he has been resurrected and because of that each of us will live again. I know that this is true! I love my Savior and all that has been done for me, my family, and the human kind. I pray with all of my heart that my daughters will feel of my testimony of this and of the truthfulness of the atonement and resurrection! Happy Easter!


Katie said...

Happy Easter! I love what you shared, thank you! You are such a darling mother!!!

Kari said...

Such a beautiful testimony - thanks for sharing it ;) Hope Stella is feeling better!!

Jodi said...

So glad I came across your post this morning...we have been dealing with health issues with our 10 year old - it is SO frustrating to go to a Dr. and have all sorts of tests run and still have NO idea whats wrong! I can totally relate with your thoughts on the Atonement. As a parent, I have had to just trust that He knows what we are going through and also knows the outcome, so we just have to increase our faith and wait!! Thanks for sharing - you're amazing!

The Wyler Family said...

man, i'm so behind on looking at blogs. fun to see all the updates. happy easter! your girls are so cute. way fun idea for st. patrick's day. i wasn't really feeling it this year and so all we did was eat lucky charms. boring! i would love to see some pics of your basement. i should show you our basement and then you'll feel like you've accomplished a lot! we're a few years away from finishing ours. anyway, i hope everyone gets healthy and stays that way.

Steph H said...

You impress me so much. I love these chocolatey easter pictures-- that's a great way to celebrate easter!