Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I Finally Found That Smell!

So Saturday we came home from my mom and dad's and when we walked into the house I smelled this horrible smell! I hate that when you walk into a stinky house. So we searched the house looking for the source of the smell, a dirty diaper, the sink, fridge, anything! We were unsuccessful, and I think that we became accustom to what ever it was. So we got up and went to church the next day and when we came home and walked in the door the smell was still there and maybe worse. again hunting the house and to no avail... Later that day Kris had taken Molly down stairs to play while I got dinner ready. Kris yelled up..."I found the source of the smell" he came up with an arm full of food, and then I remembered.... I few days ago I had gone to the store and had food I needed to put in the freezer down stairs. I had just gotten home both of my kids were upstairs screaming and there was no room in the fridge. It really needed to be cleaned out. Ice cram for over a year ago, soup form last Oct. on and on. I put it in the sink down there so the ice cream could melt and I could dump it and then I ran back up the stairs to help my streaming kids, 2 diaper changes, 1 bottle, 1 cup of milk, put away the rest of the groceries, 1 nap for one child, on and on... and I totally spaced it. Well I happy to report that the house is beck to smelling normal. I know I really wonder if some days I'm just totally loosing it!


Ashley said...

Gotta love it! Funny story.

The Wyler Family said...

you're not losing it. it's totally normal. we've all done things like that. funny story!

brittani c. said...

I'm just catching up on your blog and I loved this story! It sounds just like me too; I get distracted and forget whatever I was doing before. Andrew is "forgetful" too, so we're both in for a treat!

Brooke said...

Seriously... how do those moms with seven kids get anything done? Glad to hear you are hanging in there. Miss you! xoxo